Q Word List

ACEQUIA irrigation ditch or canal
AQUA    water
AQUAE   [aqua-pl] (water)
AQUARIA [aquarium] (water-filled box for fish)
AQUAS   [aqua-pl] (water)
AQUEOUS pert. to water
EQUAL   having the same characteristic as another/to be equal
EQUIP   to provide what is needed
FAQIR   a Hindu ascetic (fakir)
FIQUE   a tropical plant
MAQUI   thick underbrush (maquis)
PIQUE   to make angry
QAID    a Muslim leader (caid)
QAIDS   [qaid-pl] (a Muslim leader)
QANAT   a system of underground tunnels
QAT     evergreen shrub (kat)
QINDAR  a monetary unit of Albania (qintar)
QINTAR  a monetary unit of Albania
QOPH    a Hebrew letter (koph)
QOPHS   [qoph-pl] (a Hebrew letter)
QUA     in the capacity of
QUACK   to make the sound of a duck
QUAD    a quadrangle
QUADS   [quad-pl] (a quadrangle)
QUAERE  a question
QUAFF   to drink deeply
QUAG    a swamp
QUAGS   [quag-pl] (a swamp)
QUAI    a quay
QUAIL   to cower
QUAIS   [quai-pl] (a wharf)
QUAKE   to shake or vibrate
QUAKY   tending to quake
QUALE   a property considered apart from things having the property
QUALM   a doubt or misgiving
QUANT   to propel through the water with a pole
QUARE   queer
QUARK   a hypothetical atomic particle
QUART   a liquid unit of measurement
QUASH   to suppress completely
QUASI   similar but not exactly the same
QUASS   a Russian beer (kvass)
QUATE   quiet
QUAY    a wharf
QUAYS   [quay-pl] (a wharf)
QUEAN   a harlot
QUEEN   to make a queen
QUEER   deviating from expected/to spoil the success of
QUELL   to suppress
QUERN   a hand-turned grain mill
QUERY   to question
QUEST   to seek
QUEUE   to line up
QUEY    a young cow
QUEYS   [quey-pl] (a young cow)
QUICK   acting with speed/a sensitive area of flesh
QUID    an old British coin
QUIDS   [quid-pl] (an old British coin)
QUIET   making no noise/to make quiet
QUIFF   a forelock
QUILL   to press small ridges in
QUILT   to stitch together with padding between
QUIN    a quintuplet
QUINS   [quin-pl] (a quintuplet)
QUINT   a group of five
QUIP    to make witty remarks
QUIPS   [quip-conj] (to make witty remarks)
QUIPU   an ancient calculating device
QUIRE   to arrange paper into sets of 24 sheets
QUIRK   to twist
QUIRT   to strike with a riding whip
QUIT    to end one's participation
QUITE   to the fullest extent
QUITS   [quit-conj]
QUIZ    to test knowledge
QUOD    a prison
QUODS   [quod-pl]
QUOIN   to secure with a wedge
QUOIT   to play a throwing game like ringtoss
QUOTA   a proportional share
QUOTE   to repeat the words of
QUOTH   said - the only acceptable form of this verb
QURSH   a monetary unit of Saudi Arabia
ROQUE   a form of croquet
SEQUOIA large evergreen tree
SQUAB   a young pigeon
SQUAD   to form into small, organized groups
SQUAT   short and thick/to sit on one's heels
SQUAW   an American Indian woman
SQUEG   to oscillate in an irregular manner
SQUIB   to lampoon
SQUID   to fish for 10-armed marine mollusks
TOQUE   a close-fitting woman's hat
TOQUET  a close-fitting woman's hat
TRANQ   tranquilizer (trank)
TUQUE   a knitted woolen hat
UMIAQ   an open Eskimo boat (umiak)
USQUABAE        whiskey
USQUE   whiskey
USQUEBAE        whiskey

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Last modified February 22, 2023
Copyright © John Kastner 2020-2023